Fair Employment Week (FEW) is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate and build national support for contract academic staff (CAS). FEW should be one tactic in a broader campaign strategy, both nationally and on your campus to make gains at the bargaining table and beyond.
It is important to determine a goal or series of goals for the year that will challenge the casualization of academic labour and improve the working conditions of CAS. By doing this first, you can focus your efforts during FEW to build support for and achieve these goals.
Here are some tips on how to develop your campaign goals.
Fair Employment Week is an opportunity for academic staff associations to host events that highlight local issues and celebrate and the contributions of contract academic staff, including librarians, archivists, and postdoctoral scholars at Canadian universities.
Some tips for organizing a successful Fair Employment Week event:
- Plan your event. Whether you host an event, circulate a petition, organize a media stunt or launch a social media campaign, there are many ways to participate in Fair Employment Week. Click here for some ideas to help you get started.
- Get the word out! Add your event to this site and circulate the RSVP link. Add your event information to the posters below and post them in high-visibility locations around campus. Schedule time to visit members’ offices and present at departmental meetings. Click here for tips on how to have meaningful conversations with your members.
- Recruit supporters. Ask participants to pledge their support for fair work for all academic staff. Don’t forget to gather contact information from people who attend your event.
- Stay connected. Keep in touch with supporters on your campus. If you’d like to get more involved in addressing the challenges facing contract staff on your campus, get in touch.
- Build campus-wide support. Work with campus allies and coalition partners, including labour unions, student groups and community organizations, to organize a joint event and build broad-based support for contract academic staff. Click here to learn more about approaching coalition partners and gaining the support of the broader campus community.
Publicize your event with the attached posters.
- This week, academic staff across Canada are taking action to challenge the growing reliance on contract academic staff and their unfair work conditions. Join the call for the fair treatment of contract academic staff.
- All academic staff deserve fair compensation for teaching, research, and service. Join the call for the fair treatment of contract academic staff.
- Fair working conditions are fundamental to high quality post-secondary education. Join us in calling for the fair treatment of contract academic staff.
- At least one third of academic staff at Canadian universities and colleges are employed on short term-contracts. Join us in calling for the fair treatment of contract academic staff.
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Out of the Shadows: Experiences of CAS
The report presents findings from a national survey of contract academic teaching staff at Canadian post-secondary institutions.
The Pro Rata Model ensures contract teachers receive fair compensation for all of their academic work. This pamphlet can be printed double-sided and handed out at your Fair Employment Week events.
Share our campaign video and help us Make It Fair for Contract Academic Staff.